Cotton Coder

The curated bookmark blog of web dev curiosities

Learn and Test DMARC

An interactive tool to test SPF, DKIM, and DMARC email security with guided results. This could be quite educational if email configuration confuses you. Alternatively, can provide the same results quicker without The Matrix references.

Where I’m at on the whole CSS-Tricks thing

Chris Coyier’s post-mortem of CSS-Tricks sale to DigitalOcean. CSS-Tricks is among the pantheon of web resources, alongside MDN and Stack Overflow, that every developer discovers looking for help. It’s such a shame how DigitalOcean have treated it. One can only hope the existing content and URLs are kept alive.


RSS is alive and well as @paulcuth proves. This little web tool searches your fediverse handle and surfaces RSS feeds in your neighbourhood.

Camera Drone vs F1 Car

Incredible footage from the Red Bull YouTube channel. This drone from Dutch Drone Gods reaches 350 km/h.

Serverless Horrors

I’ve always found Serverless to be a rather glaring misnomer. How can you quantify something that doesn’t exist? The answer is: expensively. This small blog shares a few serverless horror stories — oops!

Open Letter to Tim Cook, Sabotaging Web Apps Is Indefensible

Open Web Advocacy calls out Apple for degrading the web experience on iOS. We encourage Apple to engage with all stakeholders urgently, transparently, and in good faith to restore and enhance these essential capabilities.

Water cooling is overkill for Pi 5

Jeff Geerling puts an absurd but cute $120 Raspberry Pi 5 water cooling kit to the test. Ignoring the upfront cost, this kit’s size and energy usage are nonsensical. But isn’t that what tinkering with a homelab Pi is all about? It’s a shame the Pi 4 and 5 practically require active cooling.

Okay, Color Spaces

Eric Portis provides a colourful guide to colour spaces, colour gamuts, and the new CSS colour functions. The interactive visual illustrations make the scary math palatable.

Not By AI

Proud of your non-AI work? Slap a badge on it! I think this project undermines itself when you read further. at least 90% of your content is created by humans — I suppose “10% by AI” doesn’t have the same vibe.

How Frightened Ghosts Decide Where to Go

Retro Game Mechanics Explained is a YouTube channel diving deep into the unique programming challenges of classic video games. How do you generate a pseudo-random number with only a dozen assembly instructions? What is a Markov chain? This video explains all with Pac-Man ghosts.

It’s Official, Apple Kills Web Apps in the EU

The Open Web Advocacy continue to do a great job chronicling Apple’s hostile approach to the EU’s Digital Markets Act and open software development in general. Apple fans remain resolute in defending the trillion dollar company they base their lifestyle around.

Own Your Web

A content rich email and RSS newsletter by Matthias Ott about designing, building, creating, and publishing for and on the Web. I’m impressed by the effort put into each release. Own Your Web is far more than a list of links (I should take note…)

Not all TLDs are Created Equal

Matt Palmer explores the world of TLDs; the top-level and country-code domain names like .com and .eu. Choosing a domain is more than just a monetary decision.

[Zuck] tried Vision Pro

Mark Zuckerberg shares a video ‘review’ of the new Apple goggles on Instagram (click warning). Unsurprisingly he concludes that the Meta Facebook Quest Pro is a better product. Would you rather pay the Apple tax, or give away all your private data? I’d argue that neither are worth buying. There’s something fascinating about Zuck’s thinly veiled undisclosed #ad.

Balancing cube

Willem Pennings has built a self-balancing cube with motors, flywheels, stainless steel, and custom circuitry and software for the ESP32-S3 microcontroller. Pennings’ cube is inspired by the Cubli project.