Cotton Coder

The curated bookmark blog of web dev curiosities

Detect JavaScript Support in CSS

I’ve been so focused on Container Queries I missed the latest addition to Media Queries. Ryan Mulligan provides a nice usage demo for the scripting query. Say goodbye to toggling CSS classes.

A tech layoff tracker created by Roger Lee with data from thousands of companies since 2022.

An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries

Ahmad Shadeed delivers another comprehensive guide with interactive demos for CSS Container Queries. Learn why they’re so useful compared to CSS media queries.

Testing HTML With Modern CSS

I like Heydon Pickering’s use of CSS selectors to highlight HTML anti-patterns such as anchors that are missing href attributes.

Offscreen Canvas and Web Workers

I’ve written a guide to using OffscreenCanvas in a Service Worker. Off-screen canvas can be used to resize images before they’re cached. The API is available in Web Workers unlike the original DOM canvas element.