Cotton Coder

The curated bookmark blog of web dev curiosities

The WebAIM Million

The 2024 report on the accessibility of the top 1,000,000 home pages — spoiler: it’s a rather bleak state of affairs. The “G” in WCAG stands for “guidelines” but “an average of 56.8 errors per page” suggests those guidelines are not even read.

JavaScript Visualized: Promise Execution

Lydia Hallie presents an excellent guide to Promises with a look into the internal workings of JavaScript’s event loop and task queues. Available both in video and blog post form.

AI Robots

An open list of known AI robot user-agents. Should you wish to block them with robots.txt (if they respect it and it isn’t already too late). More can be found at Dark Visitors.

a view source web

Garry Ing presents an interactive article about the history of observable web development with clever presentation.

Runtime compatibility

JavaScript API compatibility across runtimes like Node, Deno, Bun, and the various Worker environments. The data is auto-generated and doesn’t promise to be 100% accurate but still a good resource.


HTMX is a refreshing alternative to the myriad JavaScript UI frameworks. HTML is rendered on the server and sent as-is to the browser. HTMX does the plumbing using attribute directives. Bring your own server-side framework.

Local First Podcast

A new podcast hosted by Johannes Schickling discussing the idea of local-first software. Similar to offline-first and self-hosting, local-first is specifically focused on keeping data and functionality on device ensuring it remains open and working regardless of connectivity.

WinterJS 1.0

A new JavaScript runtime reaches 1.0. WinterJS is WinterCG compatible (an effort towards API interoperability). It’s based on Mozilla’s SpiderMonkey, written in Rust and uses Tokio. And guess what — it’s faster! Like everything ever published for JavaScript it’s faster.

Announcing Speedometer 3.0

Browser vendors have collaborated to develop the Speedometer 3.0 test. Safari on my MacBook Air M2 clocks a pathetic 14.5, Firefox hits 21, and Brave smokes at 29. As expected except my iPhone 12 hits 18.9 beating the laptop. More details on the WebKit blog.

HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 explained

Alexandre H.T.R. Bonfitto explains the new HTTP versions with plenty of diagrams, codes, and references. On reliable and stable connections, HTTP/2 many times offers better performance than HTTP/3. — interesting!

Better Syntax Highlighting

My blog post where I discuss implementing the Shiki syntax highlighter with with extra styles to improve code presentation.


Shiki is a JavaScript syntax highlighter ideal for server-side rendering. Shiki uses the same TextMate grammar that powers VS Code. I’ve found it to produce much better results than Hightlight.js and Prism.js.

The internet used to be ✨fun✨

Adorn your rose-tinted glasses and check out Rachel Kwon’s collection of articles that opine for the old days of the internet.