Cotton Coder

The curated bookmark blog of web dev curiosities

The deskilling of web dev [...]

Baldur Bjarnason writes: The deskilling of web dev is harming the product but, more importantly, it’s damaging our health – this is why burnout happens.

Web Platform Status

A Google initiative to see the entire web platform mapped as a set of features. Read out the announcement blog post. Looks like a useful resource to check baseline compatibility.

State of HTML 2023

The results are in! The 2023 State of HTML survey ran from September 19 to October 19 2023, and collected 20,904 responses. Thanks to Lea Verou, Sacha Greif, Eric Burel, and others for their efforts putting this together.

Modern WordPress - Yikes!

My annual rant on the sorry state of affairs that is modern WordPress development. I review the flagship WordPress theme showing the woeful lack of CSS strategy and absolutely bizarre templating system.

Portable Server Rendered Web Components with Enhance SSR

Ryan Bethel shares a PHP and WordPress plugin for custom components using Enhance. Until now SSR frameworks have always been JavaScript on the server (those I’ve seen). Using PHP opens up a whole new world of opportunities.

Can I email…

Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails — this looks useful! Personally I absolutely refuse to build or send HTML emails. They’re a blight on the internet. But alas, they’re here to stay. The MJML framework for building email templates also looks like a life saver.

Detect JavaScript Support in CSS

I’ve been so focused on Container Queries I missed the latest addition to Media Queries. Ryan Mulligan provides a nice usage demo for the scripting query. Say goodbye to toggling CSS classes.

A tech layoff tracker created by Roger Lee with data from thousands of companies since 2022.

An Interactive Guide to CSS Container Queries

Ahmad Shadeed delivers another comprehensive guide with interactive demos for CSS Container Queries. Learn why they’re so useful compared to CSS media queries.

Testing HTML With Modern CSS

I like Heydon Pickering’s use of CSS selectors to highlight HTML anti-patterns such as anchors that are missing href attributes.

Offscreen Canvas and Web Workers

I’ve written a guide to using OffscreenCanvas in a Service Worker. Off-screen canvas can be used to resize images before they’re cached. The API is available in Web Workers unlike the original DOM canvas element.

JavaScript Signals standard proposal

Rob Eisenberg and Daniel Ehrenberg present a Stage 0 proposal to standard signals. Signals are a concept that modern UI libraries have settled on to manage state and update UI components. Rob’s blog post has more details. Stage 0 means it’s an early idea; something to get the conversation started. I’m eager to see how this evolves.

Dead Simple Sites

A curated gallery of minimal websites. The collection specifically avoids scroll-jacking and too much animation.